Burbank Tournament of Roses Association Announces 2023 Float Design Contest


Steve Edwards of the Burbank Tournament of Roses has sent out an email asking for designs for the 2023 City of Burbank that the association will hand build. Since January 1 falls on a Sunday in 2023, this year’s parade will be held on Monday, January 2, 2023.

The 2022 Float recently won the Mayor’s Award for their float “An Unlikely Tale,” with a design used from a submission by Burbank resident Jonathan Friday.

All entries must be received on or before Wednesday, January 26, 2022 by 8:00 p.m.

Edwards said in his email:

“The 2023 theme celebrates turning a corner. Whether that corner is actual or figurative like the unlimited potential that each new year brings—we all enjoy the opportunity of a fresh start,” explained Wainscott. “Turning a corner means rising above – alone, or with family, friends and community. This year, as we turn the corner together, we share in the hope, beauty and joy of what 2023 will bring.” (https://tournamentofroses.com/amy-wainscott-elected-president-of-2023/)

The theme hint statement from the 2023 Tournament of Roses Association President, Amy Wainscott is:   The 2023 theme celebrates turning a corner. Whether that corner is actual—like the one at the famous turn, signaling the parade’s start, or figurative like the unlimited potential that each new year brings—we all enjoy the opportunity of a fresh start. Turning a corner means rising above – alone, or with friends, family, and community, – it means realizing dreams and pursuing possibility. This year, as we turn the corner together, we share in the hope, beauty and joy of what 2023 will bring.  

What does Turning The Corner mean to you?? Draw it up and submit it!  

The rules are simple:

Paper no larger than 11×17

Black and White ONLY (NO Color) ·      

NO identifying marks (your name, initials, etc.) allowed on the design ·      

Must include a signed entry form available at:  https://www.burbankrosefloat.com/forms/DESIGN2023.pdf  

While these are the basic rules here are some additional suggestions to help you create a better design  

Float Design Suggestions

  • Float design should not exceed 55 feet long and 18 feet wide
  • The design should be presented with the front on the right and the rear on the left
  • Three quarter view is preferred
  • Big and simple—can the audience get the story within 3 seconds?
  • Finish it in black ink—pencil drawings don’t reproduce well and don’t show well
  • The design must relate to the theme
  • A short description is useful
  • Don’t draw a flat base—the main chassis is 7 feet wide by 30 feet long by almost 5 feet tall
  • Big items tend to work better in back of the float
  • You should consider animation possibilities in your design
  • You should consider entertainment elements in your design
  • If you want to keep your original artwork, clean photocopies are accepted
  • You may give your design a title, however, the float title may change by the Association
  • The use of live people will be considered if it enhances the float design or entertainment value
  • Don’t tape your description to the back of your entry
  • Tape your description to face the front and hang off the bottom of your entry
  • Place tape on each side of your entry form envelope when you place it on the back of your entry