Steve Ferguson Announces Campaign for Burbank School Board Seat


Steve Ferguson announced on Wednesday that he will seek election to the Burbank Unified School District Board of Education. Ferguson, if elected, will become both the youngest and the first openly LGBT person to serve the board in Burbank history.

Steve Ferguson

Steve Ferguson has already earned several strong endorsements from community members as well as current and former Burbank Officials. Ferguson’s endorsements include former Burbank Mayors Mary Lou Howard and Marsha Ramos, as well as Burbank Police Commission Chair Elise Stearns-Niesen.

“I am supporting Steve Ferguson for school board because he believes in the Burbank standard and has the commitment to work for our students and our community.” Said former Mayor Mary Lou Howard, who continued “Steve Ferguson will bring desperately needed new ideas to the Burbank School District that better meet the needs of our children and our community.”

Steve Ferguson’s campaign announcement has been much anticipated since a controversial August 5 School Board meeting where Burbank Police Lt. John Dilibert narrowly won appointment to fill a recently vacated seat, after an initial vote tied. Board President Larry Applebaum broke the tie by withdrawing support for Ferguson and voting for his second choice, Dilibert. President Applebaum noted earlier in the meeting that Dilibert had indicated he would not run for election to the seat in the spring, citing the Lieutenant’s first sworn duty to the police department as being too time consuming.

“Like many school districts, our schools here in Burbank will face disastrous deficits if we don’t work to find a new, innovative, and collaborative approach to our district’s budget problems. This is a community that is proud of our public schools and I will fight to preserve the Burbank standard of education. I have the experience to hit the ground running, and I will provide a new perspective as part of the next generation of leadership here in our hometown.” Mr. Ferguson said during the official announcement of the formation of his campaign committee.

A familiar face in Burbank government, 23 year-old Steve Ferguson has served on 18 civic and non-profit boards since the age of 12, including notable service as Chairman of the Burbank Parks Recreation and Community Services Board where Mr. Ferguson lead the fight to prevent cuts to senior meals, youth programming and maintain overnight park patrol services.

More information about Steve Ferguson can be found online at