Burbank Passes Tenant Protection Urgency Ordinance


The Burbank City Council adopted the Burbank Tenant Protection Urgency Ordinance on September 12, 2023. The ordinance, effective immediately, introduces heightened protections for no-fault just cause evictions related to demolitions and substantial remodels. The ordinance requires landlords to obtain permits for demolition or substantial remodeling and provide three months of relocation assistance to tenants impacted by a no-fault just cause eviction specifically due to substantial remodels. For all other no-fault just cause evictions, the relocation payment remains at the previous standard of one month’s current rent, as mandated by AB 1482, also known as the California Tenant Protection Act.

Information about the state law is available here.

Demolition and Substantial Remodel Requirements

The key provision of the Burbank Tenant Protection Urgency Ordinance is the establishment of requirements for just cause evictions with the intent to demolish or substantially remodel a property. The process for the landlord or property owner includes:

  1. Securing building permits (for a substantial remodel), demolition permits (for a demolition), and/or any required abatement permits;
  2. Plan check submittal to the City’s Building Division, if required;
  3. Providing copies of the building, demolition, and/or hazardous material abatement permit(s) to Tenant;
  4. Providing the Tenant with a written, detailed account of the scope of work, why the work cannot be reasonably accomplished in a safe manner with the tenant in place, and why the work cannot be completed within thirty (30) days.

Relocation Assistance

Furthermore, effective September 12, 2023, and thereafter, tenants receiving “no-fault just

cause” notices to vacate for substantial remodel, as outlined in the ordinance, are entitled to

relocation assistance in the amount of three months of the tenant’s current rent, based on the

rent in effect when the notice was issued.

For more information about The Burbank Tenant Protection Urgency Ordinance, please visit, www.burbankca.gov/tenantprotections.