Letter to the Editor: Burbank’s New Mayor Looks Ahead to 2024


Letter to the Editor:

I am honored to serve our community as the Mayor of the City of Burbank for the 2023/2024 term.  It is the privilege of a lifetime.  I fully commit my time, energy, and focus to leading the city that we all love and call “home.”

I was elected to the Burbank City Council at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.  The pandemic presented us with unprecedented challenges.  Businesses were shutting their doors for good.  Many of our residents were out of work.  Our city had a structural recurring deficit with no end in sight.  It marked the beginning of a challenging, yet transformative journey for our community.

Yet, united in purpose, our city has revived our local economy and balanced our budget.  We continue to offer unrivaled city services.  This resilience underscores the strength and potential of Burbank.  Now, as we emerge stronger, I am excited to share our path forward.

Looking ahead to 2024, one of my main goals is to help further foster an equitable, inclusive economy.  We must address systemic inequities to create a local economy where everyone has the opportunity to find success and thrive.  We’ve built back from the pandemic, but our economy continues to be riddled with inequities leaving too many people behind.  The rising costs of housing are displacing longtime residents of Burbank.  Wages remain stagnant.  The dream of homeownership has never been further beyond reach for so many in our community.

We must continue to exercise fiscal responsibility to maintain the balanced budget that we’ve fought so hard to achieve.  In my view, we must also do more to support small businesses and ensure a business-friendly environment through streamlined permitting processes.  In doing so, however, it’s imperative that we prioritize the development of jobs that provide a fair, livable wage with benefits (e.g., healthcare and childcare) and resources to foster the growth of new families in our community.

Equally pressing is the housing crisis, which demands urgent action.  The City Council is committed to adding 12,000 new housing units by 2035.  In doing so, we must pursue every available opportunity to promote the “gentle density” that best fits our neighborhoods.  Addressing homelessness is also critical, and our recently approved homelessness action plan sets the stage for meaningful progress.

Environmental stewardship remains a priority. Our Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan, which charts our course for a 100% renewable energy portfolio, reflects our commitment to sustainability.  We’re also focused on improving water efficiency and investing in renewable energy sources.

Collaboration has been key in my journey while serving on the City Council. I’m grateful to my colleagues and our city staff, whose dedication has been instrumental in our recovery from the pandemic.  

The challenges ahead are significant, but I am confident in our ability to build an even safer, more affordable, and welcoming Burbank for everyone.  Thank you for entrusting me with this responsibility.  My colleagues and I are ready to work tirelessly for you. 

Nick Schultz
Mayor, City of Burbank

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