Letter to the Editor: Reader Upset About Councilmembers Changing Position on Olive Bus Lanes


Letter to the Editor:

As a concerned Burbank resident, I feel compelled to address the inconsistency in Councilmember Konstantine Anthony’s position regarding Metro’s Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project. Twice during his term on the City Council, Anthony voted in favor of a mixed-flow configuration for the BRT route. This means buses would share lanes with regular traffic, a decision that many saw as a balanced solution for improving public transportation while minimizing disruption to Burbank’s traffic flow.

However, as Anthony campaigns for a second term, he is now publicly advocating for a dedicated lane for buses on Olive Avenue. This would require removing two lanes of traffic from one of our city’s busiest thoroughfares, a change that could significantly impact residents and commuters alike. The question is: why is he now pushing for something different than what he voted for?

Adding to the concern is that Anthony is running alongside Mike Van Gorder, a candidate who shares many of Anthony’s views. Van Gorder, too, supports the removal of lanes from major roads like Olive Avenue to create dedicated bus lanes. If elected, we could face not just one but two council members who are in favor of reducing lanes of traffic on one of Burbank’s busiest streets, potentially exacerbating congestion and creating frustration for drivers.

This kind of flip-flopping raises concerns about the consistency of Anthony’s leadership and decision-making. If a council member supports one plan through their vote, only to advocate against it while campaigning, what message does that send to voters? Are his public statements driven by a genuine change of heart, or is he simply trying to appeal to a different group of voters in the hopes of re-election?

Residents deserve clarity, especially on issues as critical as transportation and infrastructure. We need leaders who are transparent in their actions and who advocate consistently for policies that reflect their votes. Otherwise, we’re left wondering whose interests they truly represent.

Barry Sarna