Letter to the Editor: Former Mayor Questions Current Mayor’s Personal Endorsements


Letter to the Editor:

A recent letter with the headline “Schultz Dismisses Outside Campaign Rhetoric, Endorses Candidates” brings me to respond;

I too share his concerns with outside interests impacting our local politics but, more of a concern to me is the meddling of partisan politics. Having lived in Burbank for over 50 years and having served the City on many Boards and Commissions and our City Council, I feel called to question Schultz’s motivations and suggest that he is not best qualified to tell you, me and our community who we should vote for.

Schultz moved into Burbank just before he decided to run for a Council seat and succeeded as the beneficiary of Democratic Party support. I remember him assuring us of his commitment to Burbank and that he was not using his Council position as a political steppingstone. He is soon leaving the Council as the leading candidate for a State Assembly seat. I hope he will continue to serve Burbank when he is working in Sacramento. I thank him for his service.

What troubles me are his endorsement choices, clearly along the same partisan lines that supported his own candidacy both at the Council and now Assembly levels. On his way out the door, Schultz suggests you vote for Konstantine Anthony and Eddy Polon for Burbank City Council and Laurette Cano for BUSD Board of Education.

Anthony has demonstrated over and over his lack of understanding of the issues and constituents he serves at the Council. He has created countless distractions with his antics and politics and has had a singular focus on getting his rent control measure adopted even though it was soundly defeated by the voters. Anthony also demonstrated his commitment for the City by running for County Supervisor. Polon and Cano appear to have participated in the same Burbank Dems who endorsed Schultz, and his “endorsement” fails to suggest beyond generalities how Polon or Cano are uniquely qualified. Spoiler alert, it’s partisan. 

If Mr. Schultz wants to leave us with prepared elected officials he should endorse proven capable ones like JUDIE WILKE and CHRIS RIZOTTI for Council and Dr. TOM CROWTHER for BUSD Trustee on District 1. As it happens all three are registered Democrats, but that should not matter. What really matters is that all three are the product of our local elementary, middle schools and high schools. Their lifelong work in the community proves their long-term commitment to the City I love. Watch the candidate forums, check out their websites, please do your own research and question the motivations of endorsements without supporting evidence. Whether you know any of them personally or not I believe you will agree these three individuals are far better prepared than any of the other candidates and have invested their entire lives in this community.

Please vote for JUDIE WILKE and CHRIS RIZZOTTI for City Council and Dr. TOM CROWTHER, for BUSD District 1 Trustee.  (I happen to personally know of Tom’s qualifications and commitment to education since I have spent over 16 years discussing education with Tom who is my son in law)

Jef Vander Borght
Former Burbank Council Member and Mayor


    1. I agree completely with Jef Vander Borght re: Schultz. I did not know that he moved into Burbank with a plan to run for office; so he’s carpetbagger just as Adam Schiff was/is. Heard Schultz speak a few weeks ago and was struck by his plans for our city. Homeless shelters here, there and everywhere. He clearly does not have Burbank’s best interests at heart. I agree as well re: Schultz’ endorsements. We all know that Konstantine Anthony has some judgment problems (getting spanked on camera). In short, it seems Schultz has an agenda far beyond what is good for our city. He’s a ringer and not a good one.