School Board Adds Multiple Positions And Programs With LCAP Approval


The Burbank Unified School District Board of Education approved the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) on Thursday, June 26. The LCAP provides a three-year spending plan for the district to address mandates in educational code and put additional funds from the State to use.

The LCAP provides for a full-time curriculum specialist at each of the district’s 11 elementary schools and the addition of two elementary music teachers this coming year plus one more in the third year of the plan.

BUSD LogoOne school nurse will be added to the district rotation every year for the next three years plus one behavior specialist. Year-round programs including summer intervention for English Language Learner students.

After the development of a guidance plan over the coming year, an additional counselor will be added to Burroughs and Burbank High Schools and Muir, Luther and Jordan Middle Schools next year.

Custodial staff will add one position right away, along with two more in the second year of the LCAP plan.

Additional items included in the LCAP are provisions for online learning for high school, including funding for the Independent Learning Academy.

The current ratio of library assistants at all elementary schools will be maintained for the coming years and pull-out programs for GATE students in elementary and middle school will also be funded.

The plan aligns with Common Core standards and provides all students with access to technology at BUSD schools. Part-time media and technology specialists have been funded for the elementary and middle schools.

The LCAP also insures one teacher per middle school for World Language program, starting with Spanish 1, in August.

The sixty-person committee, made up of district administrators, principals, teachers, parents and community members worked on developing the comprehensive plan over the past several months. A survey was conducted to gather additional community stakeholder input as well.

Coordinated by Hani Youssef, BUSD Director of Safety and Student Services, the LCAP committee met weekly to hammer out the three-year plan.

“We believe that the Board approved a plan that really meets the need of students at all levels,” commented Dr. Tom Kissinger, Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services for BUSD. “The work done on this plan represents a truly collaborative effort of parents, community members, school site staff and administrators.”

A first draft of the LCAP can be viewed on the BUSD website here. Some minor changes to the language were made after the first hearing of the draft, which was then approved by the school board on June 26. The plan is required to be filed with the Los Angeles County Office of Education by July 1.