LETTER: Burbank Councilman Reports Out to Citizens


Letter to the Editor:

When I took my seat on the Burbank City Council in May I said I wouldn’t engage in the council’s recent practice of using the “Reporting Out” period to announce events attended since the previous council session.  Among other reasons, I said – and still believe – the often lengthy readings offer more benefit to the council members than to citizens waiting for the council to get down to business.

The public is entitled to know what elected officials are up to in the city’s service when not at the dais.  But I’m certain there are means to accomplish that without adding to the wait for those watching meetings to see city business being done, and to be heard on those issues.

It’s taken me too long to create an alternative, and I can only apologize and blame the crush of putting a council schedule atop work and home schedules.  But I can now offer access to all the information every council member announces when Reporting Out, and a bit more.

Every month or two I’ll try to post on-line my calendar of city-business activities for the period since the last calendar was published.  These listings also offer a bit more information than we’re accustomed to getting.  To see the first example, just point your browser to www.WillRogersBurbank.com.

Thanks for checking it out and, as always, please contact me with comments or questions about this or any other city business at 818.238-5750, or by email at WRogers@burbankCa.gov.


Will Rogers
Member of the Burbank City Council