Santa Makes Early Stop at Boys & Girls Club

Santa is welcomed at The Boys & Girls Club of Burbank & East S.F. Valley. (Photo by Ross A. Benson)
Santa helps the kids from The Burbank Boy's & Girls Club with one extra gift with the help of Burbank Branches of Bank of America. (Photo by Ross A. Benson)

Santa made a detour the other day and stopped into The Boys & Girls Club of Burbank to spread some extra cheer. Santa was helped out with extra gifts made possible with the help of Burbank branches of Bank of America, and the managers of the branches also gathered together some special gifts for complete families and presented them, while Santa was giving each boy & girl something extra to put under their Christmas tree.

Bank of America Branch Managers from the Burbank community gather with gifts for the families of kids that go to Burbank's Boy's & Girls Club. (Photo by Ross A. Benson)