Letter to the Editor: Resident Worried About Growing Problem on Burbank Border


Letter to the Editor:

A meth and heroin camp has formed just outside of Burbank on Cahuenga between Burbank Boulevard and Oxnard Street.
Here is a video of the camp: (ed. note: video is located at the bottom)
You will notice a lot of new homeless faces in Burbank. If you are a night owl like me you will see these individuals on bikes looking for stuff to steal. My colleague caught one of these individuals pulling on his car door handle to see if it was unlocked. My neighbor forgot to lock their vehicle and a laptop was stolen. Do not confuse these people with the catalytic converter thieves, the latter are well-organized and sophisticated criminals. Drug addicts are committing a vast array of petty crimes that fall under the radar of prosecutors.
Property crimes have gone up and this meth and heroin camp poses an existential threat to Burbankers.
The meth and heroin RV camp has now created a major public health hazard and a threat to public safety. The sweet approach is not working and we need a quick tough love approach to prevent Burbank from becoming a crappy place to live. We currently have multiple people urinating and defecating in public every day in town as I have seen personally and my fellow Burbankers mention to me.
I have been helping low income and homeless people get back on their feet for more than 30 years. I was homeless at 16. I do care. Addicts need court-ordered rehab and escaping addiction is a hard, long road. No quick fixes there. We must educate children to stay away from these horrible drugs.
Here is what I have learned about these meth and heroin enclaves:
● Prolific offenders repeatedly victimize our neighborhoods while cycling through the criminal justice system
● Many prolific offender crimes involve theft to pay for drugs
● Some prolific offenders with severe mental health issues pose a serious threat to public safety
● Some prolific offenders pose a serious threat to police officer safety
● Prolific offenders fail to comply with court-ordered conditions in almost every case
● Burbank’s prolific offenders struggle with addiction, mental health conditions, and homelessness
● Many prolific offenders manipulate the system in order to avoid being booked into jail
● Prosecutors have decriminalized most theft cases perpetrated by the homeless
● Prolific offenders struggling with homelessness virtually never spend time in jail and remain on the streets to keep committing crimes
The LA County criminal justice system is broken and Measure H has been a total theft of taxpayer dollars.
This meth and heroin RV camp on the edge of Burbank is a clear and present danger to all Burbankers and is located in the 3rd district of LA County which is under the management of Supervisor Sheila Kuehl.
If you would like to file a formal complaint and demand that action be taken to clean up this meth and heroin RV camp, you can contact the following person:
Fernando R. Morales
(Office of  Supervisor Sheila Kuehl)
District Director, West/Metro LA
Office: (310) 231-1170
Cell: (213) 379-2807
Consider sharing this page with others.

Christopher Matthew Spencer


    1. Thank you Mr. Spencer for your time and effort in writing the article & making the video and for doing it professionally. Plain and simple; scary!!

      There is no easy answer because the source of the problem is multifaceted.

      I have my own stories about a few Burbank homeless, somewhat different but with the same theft outcome. Aggravating.

      P. Maisner

    2. Hi Patti, yes very aggravating. I hope you will reach out to Supervisor Kuehl’s office and complain. The County is taxing us millions to allegedly help this homeless situation however I doubt anyone actually understand the deep nature of the addiction here in some comfy County office far away from the City. Speaking up with a megaphone is the only answer.

      It is important for Burbankers to call 911 for crimes since the City has promised, “If an illegal act is committed, enforcement will occur.” Source: https://burbank.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=45&clip_id=8104&meta_id=331603

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