April Fools Joke Wins the Internet

Photo by Gibbon FitzGibbon

Burbank resident Jenna Spitzer won the internet on April 1st by pulling the ultimate April Fools joke on her husband, Keith Spitzer.  Jenna took to local Facebook moms group, Burbank Mommies and Magnolia Park Mamas, and asked her fellow mamas to help execute a very funny prank.

Jenna posted asking if members of the mom group could text her husband and inquire about the alpacas her husband raises and has for sale, and to ask any alpaca related questions.  The best part was that her husband doesn’t raise alpacas and knows absolutely nothing about them.  Jenna and Keith went to an alpaca farm early on in their relationship, almost 20 years ago. “They’ve kind of become our relationship mascot,” said Jenna.

Immediately, moms in the groups began texting Keith and then sharing screenshots of their messages into the comments section of the posts.  People started texting and inquiring about the sale of the alpacas, how they could get alpaca wool, if they were sturdy enough for riding on, inquiring about paperwork on their medical history, and if they could be transported by an SUV. “I am so impressed with all the creative, hilarious responses,” said Jenna. “People got really into it which made the whole thing even better.”

One message said “Hi Keith, My friend Jeff mentioned that you are the man to talk to about alpacas and llamas! He said you’ve bred many Llapacas and I’d love it if you could send me some pictures and a description about the process. I can drop by with my Llama Kyle anytime this week if you’d like to inspect him and test his Lama Glama. Let me know what day is good. Send pics of your Llapacas!! Thanks!!!”

One person sent a family photo with alpacas asking if he had any for rent for a similar photoshoot, and another expressed their excitement that Keith has alpacas back in stock again so they could build their herd. The text messages were very creative and told Keith they had found him on various Facebook groups like We Love Alpacas and YOUpaca we ALLpaca.

“After he got the first few texts he texted me: ‘People are texting me about alpacas! Like a lot of people. They think I have an alpaca farm!!!’ He realized it was a joke when people started using his name in the texts. He said it being alpacas specifically tipped him off,” adds Jenna.  After a total of 57 detailed alpaca inquiries received on Keith’s phone, Jenna removed his phone number from the post, but kept the comments up so group members could continue to read the hilarious messages.

Burbank Mommies and Magnolia Park Mamas has thousands of members and it was the highlight of the day for the moms in the groups.  Even for those who didn’t text Keith, they all had a laugh reading through the messages that were sent to him, making it the best April Fools joke of the day.   

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