Burbank Motorcycle Officer Injured in Traffic Accident

(Photo by Ross A. Benson)

An on-duty Burbank Police Department Motor Officer was involved in a traffic collision this morning at 6:20am.  The uniformed motor officer was traveling north on Third Street when the driver of a Honda Accord made a left turn in front of him, onto eastbound Harvard Road.

The officer took evasive action, but was unable to avoid the crash and was ejected from his motorcycle.

The officer was treated at the scene by Burbank Fire Paramedics and transported to a local hospital with no apparent major injuries.   He will likely be released later today.

The driver of the Honda Accord, an 82 year-old female who was uninjured, remained at the scene and was questioned by officers.  Alcohol/Drugs do not appear to be a factor.  No citations were issued and the collision remains under investigation by Burbank Police Traffic Investigators.

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