Burbank Noon Rotarians Help Young Adults In Need


Burbank Noon wanted to continue its focus on charitable efforts for people who are often invisible to the general public in spite of needing special attention.   Earlier this year, Burbank Noon’s Executive Board decided to target emancipated and displaced youth, who all too often can be found swelling the ranks of the burgeoning homeless population. 

The club partnered with the Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission, which offers transitional housing (50 beds) for young adults (ages 18 to 24) without a support system. “Hope of the Valley has been an amazing partner in reaching them,” remarked Burbank Noon president Gregory Madore.

Using “happy dollars” collected at Burbank Noon luncheons throughout the year, member Renee Johnson purchased hats, scarves and gloves.  At their last meeting in 2019 (December 17), club members stayed after lunch and assembled gift bags of these items, along with handwritten cards bearing messages of encouragement and hope.  Members Sunny Singer and Charleen Gosling delivered the gift bags to HVR Mission staff later that day.

Immediate past President Albert Hernandez had come up with the gift bag idea, which had followed upon an earlier, LA Rotary District Grant-funded project that delivered hygiene kits and provided a Bingo luncheon.