Burbank Re-opening Playgrounds and Fitness Equipment on October 19

Verdugo Park Swimming Pool. (Photo by Ross A. Benson)

The Parks and Recreation Department is excited to announce that Los Angeles County has approved the re-opening of playgrounds and fitness equipment. On October 19, 2020, all Park playgrounds and fitness equipment will open. To ensure the health and well-being of the community, staff have been implementing proper infection control practices to prepare for a safe re-opening. The parking lots directly adjacent to playgrounds will be open as facilities open.

Indoor recreation facilities and various outdoor amenities remain closed to the public. This includes, but not limited to: recreation centers, picnic areas, older adult centers, the nature center, ball fields, and basketball courts.

The following facilities and amenities are open:

Verdugo Aquatic Facility Update

Valley Skate Park Update

Tennis and Pickleball Courts Update Trails and Parks Update

DeBell Golf Course

Please adhere to all signage, practice social distancing and wear a face covering. To stay up to date on park and facility information, please visit: www.burbankca.gov/parksandrecreation