Burbank must temporarily stop all outdoor irrigation for two weeks, from September 6-20, 2022, due to a limited water supply. During this time, the upper feeder that brings water from the Colorado River Aqueduct into the city will be repaired to fix a leak, and Burbank will not have access to this water source. Residents and businesses must adjust their sprinklers and automated irrigation systems so they do not run during this period. Hand watering will be allowed during the two-week period.
The Drought Has Severely Impacted Water Supplies
Burbank is 100% dependent on imported water from the State Water Project and the Colorado River Aqueduct. Drought conditions have severely impacted the supply of water available through the State Water Project. Burbank elected to limit the water we take from the State Water Project to ensure adequate water supply to other communities who are solely dependent on this source. This year Burbank has been depending on receiving water exclusively from the Colorado River, however, this major repair will not allow water to flow to our area.
Water From The Colorado River Will Be Unavailable
Access to water from the Colorado River will be unavailable while the leak in the upper feeder is repaired. As a result, Burbank, Glendale, and other Southern California cities must take water from the State Water Project. Due to the additional water needed from the State Water Project to compensate for the loss of the Colorado River water, no outdoor irrigation is allowed during the repair.
“There are many communities that can only get water from the State Water Project,” says Jeannine Edwards, Assistant General Manager of Sustainability, Marketing, and Strategy at Burbank Water and Power. “During this time, we are exclusively dependent on this source, and we all have to do our part to help sustain water supplies. We are fortunate that this is just a two-week issue, and we will be able to return to watering after the upper feeder is repaired. For other communities, this is not the case.”

What You Can Do Now To Prepare
• Put a reminder on your calendar to turn your sprinklers and automated irrigation systems off from September 6-20, 2022.
• Add mulch around shrubs, flower beds, and trees to help reduce water evaporation. The City of Burbank Parks and Recreation Department offers free mulch to Burbank residents. Learn more at BurbankCA.gov/web/parks-recreation//mulch-program
• Fill up rain barrels and cisterns to store water for later watering. Rebates are available from SoCal WaterSmart at $35 per barrel and $250 per cistern.
Visit https://www.bewaterwise.com/ to see additional details.
• Collect water while you shower or from your kitchen sink in a bucket and use it to water trees and other shrubs while outdoor irrigation is temporarily suspended.
• Consider making long-term changes to how you use water. BWP and MWD are currently offering a variety of rebates and programs to help the community save water. Learn more about these programs on the BWP website at BurbankWaterAndPower.com/drought.