Burbank Sunrise Rotary Club Spreads Holiday Cheer


IMG_1366As they have in past Decembers, the spirit of the season made December a special time of “service above self” for Burbank Sunrise Rotary.

IMG_1404On December 3 the Burbank Sunrise club, along with Burbank Noon Rotary, put on a holiday dinner for 170 BCR clients and their families and caregivers.  Afterward, the young BCR adults danced to holiday tunes sung by Santa’s helper, and then Santa himself appeared to pass out the many gifts under the large Christmas tree.  Emmanuel Church provided the cheerful venue (gym and adjoining kitchen) for the occasion. “Seeing faces light up in sheer joy is one of my favorite parts of the holiday season,” Said Mary Gilbert, the event’s organizer.

On December 7, Burbank Sunrise members rang the Salvation Army bell as part of a community wide effort to help those in need during the holidays. In spite of struggling themselves, many shoppers nevertheless spared a few dollars and coins for those even more down on their luck.

IMG_1394And on December 14, several Burbank Sunrisers were part of a small army of volunteers that delivered 550 holiday boxes to hurting families that live, work or attend school in Burbank. Burbank Sunrisers had earlier bought enough items for several households. “I’ll never forget seeing the tears in families’ eyes as they were presented with maybe the only presents they would receive for the holidays,” remarked Burbank Sunrise President Lee Stacy.

Later that night, Burbank Sunrisers conducted their annual “battle of the gift exchanges” at a festive holiday party hosted by Dave and Liz Carletta.


    Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center