BUSD to Hold Special Budget Study Meeting Tuesday: Goodbye Horace Mann?

Horace Mann Child Care Center. (Photo By Ross A. Benson)

Burbank’s School Board will meet Tuesday in a Special Session to discuss the looming budget cuts because of the defeat of the Measure I Parcel Tax. Voters nearly turned down the with the Measure getting on 64% in YES votes with 66% needed to pass.

Tuesday it is time for the other shoe to drop and not only the realization of not getting new money, but with the new possibility of some funding being cut from the State because of the Coronavivus pandemic which has crippled the State’s budget, Burbank has to start making some tough decisions.

There are many programs on the chopping block as well as district jobs. Here are some of the items that will be discussed:

  • Library Assistants cut by half
  • High school summer school
  • Middle and high school counselor cuts
  • PS Assistants
  • Elementary music teachers
  • Arts and Instructional Technology Coordinators
  • Closing of Horace Mann
  • Reduce graduation requirements (electives)
  • Increase class size
  • Selling surplus property

These are only a few of the considerations that will be discussed.

There was nothing in the report about reducing or cutting district staff or any pay reductions.

Tuesday’s meeting will be virtual and unlike the City Council meeting that allows live phone oral communications, all communications must be received by the Board before 5 pm on Monday. The Board of Education will accept public communications via email at rosegarcia@burbankusd.org and /or by voicemail at (818) 729-4584, no later than 5:00 p.m., May 25, 2020. Comments will be read during Public Comment followed by staff and Board responses.

A full list of the proposed budget cuts for adoption and discussion can be found HERE. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7 pm. You will be able to watch the meeting streamed from HERE live.