Letter to the Editor: Letter Writer is “Overwrought and Completely Biased”
"It gives me no pleasure to say this, but Mr. Spencer needs to either start his own website..."
Letter to the Editor: Burbank Teacher Gives His View on Burbank Book ‘Ban’
"Classic, beloved, and impactful books were hastily removed from classrooms without any true consideration for their value nor any academic discussion of their use."
Letter to the Editor: Resident Wants to Stop the False Narrative on Police
Unfortunately, far too often, people call the Police rather than knock on their neighbor’s door..."
Letter to the Editor: Business Owner Disappointed in City Council
In my eyes and ears it was a disgrace quite frankly!!
Letter to the Editor: Resident Hopes Drivers Will Make Good Parking Decisions
"We can all do our part by being courteous in our parking decisions"
Letter to the Editor: Burbank Does Not Have a Public Transit System
"Our current and severely limited transit system ignores the needs of the majority of residents."
Letter to the Editor: Resident Wants Police Commission Reduced in Numbers
"I am expressing an emphatic “no” to hiring additional candidates for the Police Commission"
Letter to the Editor: Resident Opposes Opening of any “Pot Stores’ in Burbank
"This city is one of the finest in Los Angeles County and has one of the best school districts in all of California."
Letter to the Editor: Resident Wants to Make Sure ‘Pot Shops’ Do Not Populate...
"Keep the nasty things out. Stop pot now and support a drug-free community."
Letter to the Editor: Resident Says Better Vehicle Code Compliance May Make Burbank Safer
"Start by citing vehicles without front license plates, dark tinted windows and modified exhaust"