Burbank Man Arrested for Criminal Threats
Police take man into custody after reportedly trying to stab people on San Fernando Blvd.
BCR Heralds in the Holidays with their Annual Talent Showcase
Clients of BCR 'a place to grow' give their all to the annual Holiday Program showcasing their abilities in bell-ringing, singing and dancing. The center's programs are geared to assisting clients in reaching their potential.
Nickelodeon Interns Brighten Miller Elementary With Massive Mural
Nickelodeon interns recently completed a massive mural in Joaquin Miller Elementary's lunch shelter depicting the school's mascot, a jaguar, in different scenes.
City Honors RSVP Volunteers
City of Burbank pays tribute to 656 members of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program who gave 141,114 hours of service to the community this year.
“Flowers For Algernon” Blossoms At Burroughs High
The entire cast shines under DIRECTOR GUY MYERS, whose masterful handling of the play’s many subtexts makes it easy to see why Flowers for Algernon, written in the middle of the last century, still speaks to us today
Motorcyclist Dies After Officer Attempts Traffic Stop
40 year-old man becomes second motorcyclist to die at intersection in about a month
Police Donate to Temporary Aid Center for Holidays
Burbank Police Officers' Association and the Burbank Police Department Command Staff presented Executive Director, Barbara Howell and the Burbank Temporary Aid Center (BTAC) a check in the amount of $1,500.00
Burbank Police Add New SUVs to Fleet
Burbanker's will now see new Ford Explorer SUVs hitting the street on patrol and responding to police service calls
Bret Harte Elementary Students Visit With Time Travelers
JBHS drama students act out historical characters for the Time Travelers program at Bret Harte Elementary.
Family Service Agency Helps Domestic Violence Survivors
Family Service Agency is available 24 hours a day to help domestic violence survivors.