Burbank Police Remind Residents of “Etch and Catch” Catalytic Converter Anti-Theft Program
goal is to deter potential thieves looking to steal catalytic converters
Burbank Police Log: August 19 – August 25
A weekly summary of people arrested by the Burbank police department.
Man Stabbed to Death at Burbank Tri-plex on Cordova Street
Police are investigating the murder that happened at 1227 Cordova St. around 4:47 am Friday morning
Burbank Police Log: August 12 – August 18
A tabulation of those picked up by the Burbank police department.
Burbank Police Give Tips for the Upcoming Pedestrian Safety Month
The Burbank Police Department would like to remind drivers to slow down and be alert for people walking on our roads
Police Release Report on Alledged Dumping of Homeless Man in North Hollywood
Burbank Police Chief Michael Albanese told the City Council, "(The) allegations are unfounded, he is not homeless and it was not dumping"
Police Release Results for Latest DUI Checkpoint
Field sobriety tests were conducted on four drivers at the checkpoint held on Hollywood Wat between Winona and Tulare
Burbank Police Log: August 5 – August 11
A weekly tabulation of those individuals taken into custody.
Burbank Police Log: July 29 – August 4
Making sure the city is safe is a priority for the men and women in blue.
Burbank Police Investigate Bomb Threat Made at Providence High School
Police rush to the Burbank Campus around noon on Friday to search the campus