Nomination Period Officially Begins for Burbank’s 2013 Municipal Elections
The Nomination Period opens on Monday, November 5, 2012, at 8:00 a.m. and closes on Friday, November 30, 2012, at 5:00 p.m. The Primary Nominating Election will be held on February 26, 2013, and the General Municipal Election will be held on April 9, 2013
Burroughs Students to Host School Board Candidates Forum
Student-run Junior State of America made up of Burroughs students will host Forum on February 4
Frutos Announces Campaign Kick-Off for City Council Seat
Frutos announces the start of his campaign to win a seat on the Burbank City Council
Former Burbank School Board President Endorses Steve Ferguson
Ferguson receives endorsement from Former Burbank School Board Member and Current LA Councilman Paul Krekorian
Burbank School District Launches Measure S Drive
Informational Meeting on Thursday and kick-off event on Saturday launches general obligation bond measure to maintain and improve schools
Burbank Teachers Association Endorses Steve Ferguson for School Board
Association President, Lori Adams, cited Ferguson’s experience and new ideas, as well as his dedication to the students of the district, in a statement announcing the organization’s endorsement on Wednesday.
Frutos Joins Nos at Fundraising Event to Give Support
Councilman-Elect provided support to Nos as he seeks election to City Council
Armenian National Committee of Burbank Announces Endorsements
Committee has two selections for both School Board and City Council
Burbank Teachers Endorse Two in School Board Race
The Burbank Teachers Association announced its endorsements for two seats on the Burbank Unified School District Board of Education to be elected in February.
Ballot Order Drawn for Candidates in February Election
The order the candidates will appear on the Primary Ballot was determined Monday by a random drawing