Walt Disney Elementary School to Hosts Record-Breaking Science Fair
Students from all grade levels worked tirelessly to design and execute projects that showcase their curiosity and scientific knowledge
BUSD: Burroughs Has New Vice Principal, While School Counselors Recognized
The meeting went well and there were several key moments.
BUSD Meeting: DEI, Minimum Wage On The Table
It's the final school board meeting of 2024.
BUSD Board Meeting: Reorganization, Plus Budget Talks
The latest BUSD meeting is helpful.
BUSD: Youth And Families In Transition Month, Burbank Retired Teacher Dave Thomson Praised
The meeting at city hall is short and sweet.
BUSD Meeting: Surplus Property, Cell Phones, Child Development Program Discussed
Latest meeting is short and sweet but filled with data.
Burbank School Board Meeting: Cell Phone Talk Serious Business
Dr. Oscar Macias, interim assistant superintendent, pointed out that 97 percent of students use the cell phone during the school day.
“Inside Out 2” Actress Kensington Tallman Visits Disney Elementary for Q&A with Students
Kensington Tallman, voice actress of Riley in Disney Pixar’s Inside Out 2, visited the 5th grade girls of Walt Disney Elementary school for a Q&A on behalf of the Saving Our Daughters organization on October 10th.
BUSD Board Meeting: Cell Phone Usage Discussed, Filipino Month Recognized
One speaker criticizes Board for lack of information after Bret Harte was shut down after a student threat
Bret Harte Dedicates Bench to Teacher Karyn Lombardo in Her Memory
A bench dedication took place on Tuesday, September 24th with over 100 people in attendance including former students, parents, Bret Harte teachers and staff, school board members, the Superintendent, and Karyn’s husband, Vince Lombardo.