Edison Students Create a Living Painting with Art for the Sky
On Wednesday, April 13th, Edison elementary participated in “Art for the Sky” a giant living painting made by the entire 500 count student body and some staff on the grass. The activity was part of a three day art/STEM experience presented by aerial artist and educator, Daniel Dancer, in which the students crowded together into a 80x60 ft lightbulb outline, in honor of their school.
Bret Harte Celebrates Autism Acceptance Month
April is World Autism month as well as Autism and Neurodiversity month. Burbank schools are taking the opportunity to spread acceptance and inclusion of neurodiversity through spirit days, activities and ribbons. Bret Harte Elementary kicked off their month long acceptance campaign on Friday, April 1st by encouraging students and staff to wear blue in support of their fellow students.
2nd Grade Class Makes Monster Mugs on Display at Ugly Mug Coffee House
Darlene Crain’s second grade class from Bret Harte Elementary, have created clay monster mugs which are on display at the Ugly Mug Coffee House until Halloween. Owners of the Ugly Mug Coffee House, Steve and Emily Nalbantian, had children attending Bret Harte when their coffee shop first opened. “I remember thinking how it was such a great name for a coffee place and the idea just came to me,” said Crain, who tries to do this art project each year with her students.
Drive-by Art Gallery at Bret Harte Elementary
On Monday, February 1st, Bret Harte Elementary hosted a drive-by art gallery, featuring art that the students made from home. The school’s PTA zip tied page protectors to the fencing along both sides of the school at Lima st and Ontario st. The students had a week to create their art and bring it by the school to place it inside one of the protectors.
Traveler Visits McKinley Elementary Ahead of USC – UCLA Game
On Thursday, November 16th, staff and students at William McKinley Elementary school participated in their annual College Rivalry Day, which consists of a special visit USC's Mascot Traveler!