The most recent population estimates reported by the United States Census Bureau show that the City of Burbank’s population went from a total count of 103,340 in April of 2010 to 107,337 in April 2020.
City of Burbank Public Information Officer Simone McFarland states that the City “cannot speculate on why the growth occurred as [they] do not have specific data” pointing to definitive causes. Some factors, however, that make up a high quality of life in Burbank and may have contributed to this 3.87% growth in population include effective transportation systems, strong health services, and excellent education programs.
Transportation in Burbank has diversified in recent years through numerous projects, including the City’s Complete Streets Plan, which was adopted in June of 2020 and outlines methods of limiting neighborhood traffic, promoting bicycle and pedestrian transportation, and creating citywide infrastructure connections. The end of 2019 also saw the completion of the beneficial Pink Route of Burbank Bus, which connects the Burbank Media District to Universal City Station.
Outstanding health services are another essential attraction that may have played a role in the recent population boost. As one of the top hospitals in the San Fernando Valley, Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center in Burbank includes 2,500 employees offering quality care to visitors, and “provides the full range of diagnostic, treatment, care and support services for San Fernando Valley communities.” Mental health is likewise addressed through programs like the Family Service Agency, which arranges for wide-ranging mental health counseling of residents and manages transitional housing locations for the homeless population and survivors of domestic violence. Furthermore, the Burbank Police Department’s Mental Health Evaluation Team expands law enforcement services to aid community members who are in need of mental health support.
The Burbank Unified School District adds another area of value to the City which may draw in a larger population. Along with presenting an exceptional academic curriculum to students, school administrators utilize the WSCC approach to enhance the foundation of the BUSD. This model of support stands for Whole School, Whole Community, and Whole Child. As stated on the school district’s site, this procedure incorporates health and wellness policies, programs, and practices to prioritize the well-being of all students.
The Census Bureau additionally elaborated on characteristics such as age, race, and sex of Burbank residents in their table of quick facts on the City. Of the total Burbank population, the percentage of white residents is currently 71.8%, which McFarland says contains some diversity with the large Armenian community present in Burbank. Additionally, 44% of Burbank households speak more than one language, and 31.7% of locals are foreign-born. Increasing the amount of diverse voices which contribute to Burbank procedures remains a focus for city staff members.
“Diversity is important to our city and incorporating ways to include diversity into our everyday life is important,” McFarland said. “Having a representation of diverse attitudes, backgrounds and culture when appointing commission and committee representatives is a priority for the City Council.”
Although housing in the City has not seen a significant increase from 2010 to 2019, with a total of about 500 new units produced, Burbank will likely see more developments in the future. This outcome is related to the City’s General Plan, which introduced lofty housing goals while promoting family-oriented neighborhoods. More growth in the population estimate is resultantly expected from this proposal.
“Certainly we would see continued population growth if the City succeeds in meeting its goal of building 12,000 new units by 2035,” McFarland said. “This is important as it helps to create affordable units that support the job growth we see in new media companies coming into Burbank as well as helping to retain and expand those already here. And, of course quality of life plays into all of this as we want to protect existing single-family neighborhoods while creating the livable, walkable neighborhoods of our future.”
There’s a lot of speculation in the remarks made by our City here.
12,000 more units will not preserve a nice quality of life here.
Not everyone can afford to live in Burbank yet there is a never-ending number of programs offering free food, subsidized housing, hand-outs all paid for substantially through the taxes of the hard-working who invest in our community and save their money. The internet-raised generation imagines they can step into a luxury life without the long hours and hard work that long-time residents put in to afford their homes. My own, younger relatives talk that way…impatient about their finances and expecting to have it all without the hard work required to secure the lifestyle they admire.
Do not doubt that we have a flood of undocumented residents. I have spoken with many of them. These folks are afraid of Los Angeles now…and are flocking here to escape the bad elements of Los Angeles. I spoke with one man who has been here for seven years and is not here legally. Many of these individuals work their way into the country and seek out social welfare programs which are provided.
I know of an orthodontist who states that Denti-Cal will cover the cost of braces for non-citizens, paid for by our tax dollars. Before you doubt this and become hostile or think I am making ad hominem attacks, just consider that it is impossible to continue in the direction we are going without an eventual collapse of the entire house of cards. The wealthiest taxpayers are leaving the state such as Larry Ellison, Elon Musk, even Gene Simmons and KISS; leaving a tax hole so large either programs will need to be cut or we will see more ballot measures to raise taxes.
Previous City Council members had, in the past, understood the need to control development to avoid turning Burbank into an over-populated mess.
And now permissive attitudes and the de facto legalization of street camping, drug consumption and property crime are hurting our city and endangers us all. You need only look outside between 1am to 6am to see homeless people and addicts rummaging through your bins, pulling on your car door handles and looking for things to steal.
If you know a Burbank Police officer, ask them if they agree it would be a good idea to increase our population by so much.
Adding another remark:
“Some factors, however, that make up a high quality of life in Burbank and may have contributed to this 3.87% growth in population include effective transportation systems, strong health services, and excellent education programs.”
Remember fellow Burbankers, the very expensive Burbank Buses run empty all the time. It’s all for show. Ride one yourself. I have been on them. Always empty…or have homeless people on them.
Burbank is operating at a deficit. See here:
The City blames COVID however the real reason is that no department will give up anything. The City keeps expanding programs yet they cannot balance a budget. Free meals for all, $45 golf that you and I pay for since the Golf Course has been operating at a loss. The Burbank Bus is not only running empty, we all pay big money for it…
See the overall budget:
$8.7 million has been appropriated in fiscal year 2020-2021 to fund the BurbankBus system. See page: 8
$2 million in consulting fees paid to MV Transportation. See page: 456
And the budget keeps going up for these empty buses.
Do not take my word for it. Ride one yourself.
Am I the only one tired of Christopher Matthew Spencer writing diatribes on every single MyBurbank article? Dude, your comments are longer than the articles themselves. Get your own website already.
I for one enjoy Chris’ contribution.
Editor’s Note: The comment section is to create different thoughts from different people. You can always choose not to read someone’s comments.
City of Burbank Public Information Officer Simone McFarland states that the City “cannot speculate on why the growth occurred as [they] do not have specific data”
Really? Simone, do you think maybe it’s something to do with the number of apartment developments and ADUs going up ? 800+ at former Fry’s, 900+ at Pickwicks, K-Mart and IKEA sites will get apartments too.
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