Discarded Trees Become Fire Hazards

This burned Christmas Tree can happen in your neighborhood, be on the LOOKOUT. (Photo by Ross A. Benson)

Don’t let this happen in your neighborhood!  Discarded Christmas tree fires can spread to cars, or worse, even to someone’s home or building.  Flying embers can be blown onto roofs and spread fire throughout a neighborhood.

Whether it is caused by an arsonist, or just a careless smoker who tosses a cigarette, Christmas tree fires can become quite serious.   If you see anyone acting suspiciously or throwing something at a tree ready for recycling, do the following:  Get a description or a license plate number,  and immediately dial 911.  Fires from discarded trees have caused millions of dollars in damage in nearby cities.  You can help prevent the loss and damages from discarded tree fires here in Burbank.

Remember, you can always drop off your tree to Verdugo Park or McCambridge Park for  free recycling. They can also be cut up and placed in the green trash barrels for weekly pick up.  Never attempt to burn them in a home fireplace.


This burned Christmas Tree can happen in your neighborhood, be on the LOOKOUT. (Photo by Ross A. Benson)


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