Distracted Driving Causes Unusual Solo Traffic Accident

(Photo by Ross A Benson)

When you see an accident, you wonder just how did that happen. Sunday afternoon, people driving along Victory Blvd near Tujunga Avenue thought exactly that.

(Photo by Ross A Benson)

A driver was headed northbound on Victory Blvd and, for unknown reasons, drifted to the right, found the handicapped curb ramp, and proceeded into a cement pillar holding up the entryway to South Hills Church.

Burbank Fire Department responded with a full physical rescue, but once they got on the scene, they discovered the driver was out of the car and wondering what had just happened. The only apparent injury was a bloody nose.

Burbank Police arrived and did all the tests to determine if he was under the influence, and nothing was found.

People walking by wondered if the driver was late for church. One even thought the nearby sign that said Join us every Sunday meant it.