Ferguson Admits to Campaign Worker Stealing Lawn Signs


After the BurbankNBeyond exclusive report of campaign signs being stolen from a business on Magnolia, an email was sent to BurbankNBeyond by Burbank School Board candidate Steve Ferguson taking responsibility for a campaign worker who can be seen in the video removing signs for fellow candidate Charlene Tabet.

video of signs being removed  sign theft video

While Ferguson admits to the person working on his campaign, the candidate says he had no knowledge of his actions and does not condone the action in any way.  Attempts to contact Ferguson were not returned and the person allegedly involved was not identified.

The letter sent to Talbot from Ferguson is below.

Dear Charlene,

It has recently come to my attention on Burbank ‘N’ Beyond that some of your signs were taken from some of your supporters. After reviewing the tape, I immediately recognized the individual as one of my own campaign volunteers.
I cannot express how sorry I am for this incident. Please know that I honestly did not ask for or condone this action as I too have had signs taken and know of both the personal pain and frustration that comes with missing signs.
I take full responsibility for my volunteer’s action and I would like to ask for you to send me a list of all the  properties with missing signs. Not only will I replace them but I will also personally apologize for the conduct of my volunteer to every household impacted.
This is not what my campaign is about and I certainly know this is not what your campaign is about either. I have asked that this volunteer mail you an apology and I can only hope that we continue to move forward as we discuss the future of education in this community that both you and I cherish.
Steve Ferguson
UPDATED Feb 14 – 3:30 pm
Steve Ferguson was reached by phone to reiterate that the worker, who is a volunteer, had no authorization for his actions and he was willing to replace any sign that the worker had taken.  As for the workers status, Ferguson replied that his role has been greatly diminished and that he will be closely watched in all further campaign activities from this point forward.  He also commented on the fact that many of his signs have been taken in the past – not as an excuse for this incident – and that the entire campaign sign handling day in and day out ‘has been a real headache’ .
Charlene Tabet has also issued a statement that was sent to BurbankNBeyond and it is listed below:

Thank you for your letter in regards to the person or persons involved with stealing my campaign signs at the business property on Magnolia Blvd.

I appreciate you taking responsibility for the person involved with your campaign regarding the theft of my signage.  I would like to ask how involved this person is with your campaign?   Is he simply a campaign volunteer or a close friend as well?  I am asking because it has been reported by several community leaders that this individual has been seen with you on numerous occasions and at several city and campaign related events.  It is also reported that this individual should have known better due to the fact that this individual has many mutual friends on Facebook who are involved in politics in the community and beyond

I would greatly appreciate you returning my signs that are in your campaigns possession in addition to any that have previously been stolen.

Thank you again,


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