Kiwanis Club of Burbank Holds Annual Family Fun Day and Golf Ball Drop


Burbank Kiwanis volunteers have planned a Family Fun Day fundraising event. Interactive activity booths have been planned by many local groups and businesses, the Road Kings will be displaying their beautiful cars, and attendees can enjoy food, games and live entertainment for the whole family!

The Kiwanis Club of Burbank raises funds to support children within the Burbank community by partnering or sponsoring other local nonprofit organizations, hosting programs such as the 8th grade speech contest or Burbank Singing Star or hosting an upcoming Bike Rodeo to teach the community’s youth about bike safety.

Community partners schedule to attend: Burbank Police Department, Burbank Fire Department, Burbank Recycling Center, Burbank Animal Shelter, Burbank Coordinating Council, Kids Community Dental Clinic, Burbank Tournament of Roses Association, Burbank Parks & Recreation, BUSD, Burbank Water & Power, Carpenter’s Union Local, YMCA….and many more!

Our main event is the Golf Ball Drop – members of the community can adopt a numbered golf ball for a suggested donation of $5 per ball. At the event, thousands of golf balls will be dropped from the top of the Burbank Fire Department’s ladder truck onto a target on the ground. The closest golf ball to the center of the target wins $5,000! Visit to Adopt Balls and for more information on the event.

When: Saturday October 29th, 2022 from 10 am to 2 pm.

Where: Sports Field at John Muir Middle School 1111 N Kenneth Rd, Burbank, CA 91504

For information about the Kiwanis Club of Burbank, visit , Facebook @Burbank.Kiwanis or email