Letter to the Editor: Bogus ADA Lawsuits Being Brought are Attacking Burbank Businesses


Letter to the Editor:

Our business community is under attack by the Manning Law firm out of Newport Beach, California.
Attorney Joseph R. Manning, Jr. has filed thousands of ADA lawsuits against small businesses, a ton of them in Burbank.

The Riverside District Attorney has brought an action against Manning accusing him of filing bogus ADA cases against businesses and others.

Here are some more details including copies of some of the cases and a list of nearly 600 cases filed by Manning for the “plaintiff” Anthony Bouyer. Manning files up to nine cases per day with Bouyer as “plaintiff.”

If you have been victimized and feel you have been wrongly sued for bogus ADA claims, contact the Los Angeles District Attorney: http://da.lacounty.gov/contact/email
And also report the incident to the Burbank City Attorney’s Office.

Fight back against bogus ADA lawsuits.


Christopher Matthew Spencer

    BurCal Apartments8715