Letter to the Editor: Candidate Responses Should Steer Your Vote


Letter to the Editor:

The only real constant in the world is change, and Burbank faces many challenges but also numerous opportunities. Work is changing for many of our neighbors, fellow BUSD parents, and many missed colleagues. This has been layered upon preexisting traffic and housing woes. Parents are familiar with the pre-pandemic decline in school enrollment that is even more alarming now.
We need leadership in our city government and school district governing board with an eye for the future. We will need to plan for mixed-use, built here in Burbank, as opposed to waiting for developments to occur “over there.” We need infrastructure investments with all forms of transportation to bring in workers, customers for our businesses, as well as to allow for us residents to get around safety and efficiently. And speaking of, as a city twice severed by freeways: our public boulevards and lanes are our routes to the great spaces Burbank has to offer. They are not striped highways for folks to stoplight drag-race, testing out their horsepower, or looking to save 45 seconds on their commute. 
Burbank has come a long way: surviving the departure of the aircraft industry and the many booms and busts in the entertainment world. Please read the candidate statements and inquire with your neighbors about who they are supporting. I am steering away from the candidates clinging to nostalgia for a past best remembered, and voting for folks seeking and working towards a bright tomorrow for all Burbankers.
Jason Lewis
Burbank Resident