Letter to the Editor: Elected Officials Want You to Get Involved in Redistricting


Letter to the Editor:

Burbank, like every other community across the State of California, is currently taking part in the
once-in-a-decade process of redrawing the political boundaries for elective offices. Redistricting
takes place after the completion of each Census.

Over the course of the next few weeks, the Citizens Redistricting Commission will complete its
work and establish the Assembly, Senate, and Congressional Districts that will represent our
community in Sacramento and Washington, D.C.

In 2008, California voters passed Proposition 11, which created a Citizens Redistricting
Commission to draw state legislative districts. In 2010, California voters also passed Proposition
20 to expand the Commissions power to include drawing congressional districts.

The City of Burbank is currently represented by the 43rd Assembly District, the 18th and 25th
State Senate Districts, and the 28th and 30th Congressional Districts. Our continuing
representation as part of these existing districts is subject to change as the Citizens Redistricting
Commission completes its work.

The Citizens Redistricting Commission has published draft maps and is actively seeking the
feedback from affected communities. You can weigh in regarding the economic, cultural,
historical, and environmental ties that Burbank shares with its neighbors. You also can provide
public comment regarding the Commission’s draft maps, either in favor of or opposition to the
draft maps, before November 30, 2021.

Please note that the initial draft maps of the Citizens Redistricting Commission are available for
viewing at: https://www.wedrawthelinesca.org/map_viewer. You can provide the Commission
with your public comment by visiting:https://www.wedrawthelinesca.org/contact
Redistricting is an incredibly important process that will affect who represents our community in
both Sacramento and Washington, D.C. We strongly encourage you to learn more about it and
to play an active role in this important process.

Nick Schultz (Burbank City Council)
Steve Frintner (Burbank School Board)

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