Letter to the Editor: Former School Board Member Urges Yes Vote on Measure QS


Letter to the Editor:

As a longtime Burbank resident and a former School Board Member, I wholeheartedly support Measure QS. Nobody likes taxes, but everyone knows that having quality schools ensures a quality community. Our schools are some of the best schools in the State. Unfortunately, 95% of the school district’s budget comes from Sacramento and they are not allocating enough money to our schools.

Measure QS funding will stay in Burbank so that it can only be used support our local children. Measure QS even has a provision where property owners over 65 can opt out of the tax. However, I encourage everyone to not opt out, if they can’t afford the $.10 per square foot of improved property. For a Burbank resident with a home that is 1700 square feet, it comes out to around $14/month. I really hope you will join me in voting Yes on QS!

Peter McGrath

    BurCal Apartments8715