Letter to the Editor:
With only one week left until election day it’s critically important that we focus on the race for Burbank City Council. With the two longest serving incumbents, Mayor Jess Talamantes and Council Member Bob Frutos, stepping down and retiring from Council, it is more important, now more than ever, that we choose candidates that have the necessary experience to sit on the City Council starting day one.
Therefore, I am supporting Sharon Springer and Zizette Mullins for Burbank City Council and urge you to do so as well. Sharon and Zizette are the most experienced and qualified of all the candidates. Both are dedicated public servants, and both will always serve Burbank’s best interests.
I had the pleasure of working with Sharon on the Burbank Water and Power Board before she was elected to City Council in 2017. Sharon is hard working and diligent, but what impresses me most about her, is her ability to listen to the thoughts and concerns of all members of our community to find common ground and sensible solutions. Sharon and I don’t always agree on every issue, but I trust her judgement and admire her conviction. Our city would be well served by having Sharon sit on Council for another four years.
As our City Clerk, Zizette has been party to nearly every single Council meeting over the past ten years. Zizette has a wealth of knowledge about the local issues of concern to everyone in Burbank and understands how our City government works so she can get things done. I also know Zizette has a big heart. She is compassionate and caring about the needs of all our residents and will be a zealous advocate for our City.
Along with experience… I believe that Zizette and Sharon are running for City Council for the right reasons. They are not strategizing about their political futures or their own self interests. They do not care about petty politics. They are both running because they are selfless public servants that love Burbank and want to do their part to ensure Burbank continues to be a special place to live and work.
Paul Herman