Local Sunrise and Noon Rotary Team Up and Successfully Fill BTAC Shelves

(Photo by Ross A Benson)

This past weekend members of the Burbank Sunrise Rotary and Noon Rotary held a contactless Food Drive at Ume Credit Unions parking lot in an effort to fill the shelves at Burbank Temporary Aid Center (BTAC).

Members from both organizations along with Ume Credit Union staff donned masks gloves and unload ed from over 113 vehicles enough food and supplies to fill over 17 oversized shopping carts, bins and bags.

(Photo by Ross A Benson)

Everyone who went through the drive-thru was given a Ume Credit Union mask and shopping bag as a gift from Ume Credit Union.

Burbank residents also donated in excess of $1672.00 in checks and gift cards.

The two organizations are also co-funding a much need commercial fridge/freezer to BTAC from other fundraising drives the Rotarians continually do.