City and school officials, along with approximately 75 parents, attended the dedication of the Miller Buddy Bench at Joaquin Miller Elementary School on Friday, October 7.
Students in Laura Kubler’s first grade class, Mary Schindler’s second grade class and Joan Becker’s fourth grade class also attended the event in Miller Park.
Kubler helped organize the dedication celebration, with Miller students participating in the ceremony. Principal Judy Hession welcomed attendees.
Schindler’s students unveiled the colorful bench, painted by artist Randall Williams. Kubler and Becker’s students sang a song to mark the occasion.
“A buddy bench is a safe place on the playground where children can find someone to play or talk with,” commented Hession. “A buddy bench at Miller will help us support an environment of compassion, inclusion and friendship.”
“It will help all students to have positive interactions on the playground.”
“Thank you to the City of Burbank for their generous donation and to our school board, Superintendent Matt Hill and school district staff, and our Miller PTA for their ongoing support of our district goal of creating a positive school climate and by developing a sense of belonging for all students,” she said.
Burbank Public Works Director Bonnie Teaford, Board of Education Members Charlene Tabet and Dr. Armond Aghakhanian, Burbank Unified Superintendent Matt Hill, Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services Dr. Tom Kissinger and Director of Elementary Education Dr. Peter Knapik attended the Miller Buddy Bench dedication.
Miller PTA President Wendi Harvel and PTA Board and Burbank Council PTA President Amy Kamm were also there, along with artist Williams.
“I would also like to thank Mr. Dave Hauer, Operations Supervisor for the Burbank Home Depot, for their donation of landscaping materials around our buddy bench,” added Hession.