Miller Read In Day Celebrates Books And Pajamas

Burbank Fire Captain Dave Burke reads to students at Miller Elementary school. (Photo by Ross A Benson)

Students at Joaquin Miller Elementary School spent the day in pajamas and with books for the annual Miller Read In Day on Thursday, March 1.

“Over the past 15 years during Read Across America week, Miller School has partnered with community members, city officials, school board members, school district staff, administrators from other schools, retired teachers and Miller parents to participate in our Miller Read In and Pajama Day,” explained Principal Judy Hession.

Burbank Fire Captain Dave Burke reads to students at Miller Elementary school. (Photo by Ross A Benson

Some of the readers this year included City Councilmember Sharon Springer, Captain Denis Cremins and Lieutenant Adam Cornnils from the Burbank Police Department and Burbank Fire Department Captain Dave Burke, along with several firefighters and police officers.

Board of Education members Armond Aghakhanian and Steve Frintner and school district staff including Superintendent Matt Hill, Muir Middle School Principal Greg Miller and Burbank High School Principal Michael Bertram also read to the children.

Burbank Police Officer Angela Burrows talk to students at Miller Elementary. (Photo by Ross A Benson)

“These individuals are invited to visit classrooms, read to our students, and talk about what they do in their jobs and why reading is so important,” she added.

“It is our hope that our students learn and understand from our guests that reading is a skill that they need to have no matter what they may decide to do in their future.”

miller read in day
Participants in the annual Miller Read In Day gather in the school library on March 1, 2018. (Photo Courtesy Joaquin Miller Elementary School)