New Ross’ Retro Hits Home After Toy Gun Incident 20 Years Ago at KNBC

Remember when.. Then City Attorney Douglas Holland, Mayor Michael Hastings, and TV News personality David Horowitz hold a Press Confrence in City Hall Chambers requiring toy guns to have a orange tip. ( Photo by Ross A. Benson)

With the recent arrest of a Burbank 10 year old, this picture is of a Press Conference held in Burbank City Council Chambers after a male walked on the set of KNBC News at 5:00PM some 20 years ago with a toy gun holding it to Horwitz’s head while making unusual demands.

The purpose of the Press Conference was that Burbank wanted the State to make it mandatory that toy gun makers be required to put a bright orange tip on the barrel of guns so people know when it a toy gun or not.

Today the law is in place but there is nothing to cover paint ball or pellet guns.


Remember when.. Then City Attorney Douglas Holland, Mayor Michael Hastings, and TV News personality David Horowitz hold a Press Conference in City Hall Chambers requiring toy guns to have a orange tip. ( Photo by Ross A. Benson)


    1. I so glad they did go through with that provision even though these crazy kids still misuse these things if you gonna get your kids these airsoft guns you need to educate yourselves and your kid on the safety precautions

    2. I cringe every time I am reminded of this law. It is a dangerous law that has probably caused the deaths of many people. It all stems from David Horowitz being embarrassed after it came out publicly that he had been robbed with a toy gun. So, to assuage is anger, he lobbied for a law that raised the penalty from misdemeanor to felony for anyone using a toy gun. So, now, instead of criminals using toy guns, they always use real ones. Personally, I would much rather be robbed with a toy gun. I have never heard of anyone being either accidentally or deliberately being shot with a cap gun. David Horowitz reminds me of Carroll O’Connor, who fiercely went after the drug dealer who sold his adopted son, Hugh, the dose that killed him. Guess what, Archie, you had your son for 23 years during which time you had more than your share of time to teach him values. The drug dealer only had him for five minutes. So, who is to blame for your kid’s death? Try looking in the mirror.

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