NOH8 Campaign to Host Open Photo Shoot in Burbank Friday

Photo by Adam Bouska

The NOH8 campaign is coming to Burbank on Friday, April 29th and hosting an open photoshoot from 6:00-9:00 pm.  NOH8 is a worldwide movement and photographic silent protest founded by photographer Adam Bouska and partner Jeff Parshley in response to the Constitution ban on same-sex marriage in 2008. 

Bouska is a celebrity photographer and worked with Parshley to produce the campaign that features people with white shirts, duct tape over their mouth and “NOH8” painted on one cheek.  The images symbolize the voices that were silenced by Prop 8 and other legislations around the world. The campaign has now reached over 100,000 supporters in their photos with 37,000 solo photos and 23,000 group photos stretching across 46 states and 21 countries.

Photo by Adam Bouska

“We believe the NOH8 photos act as a tool to create dialogue and to show support for equality. It’s important we keep telling our stories and being visible and if these photos can spark that conversation, we encourage everyone to have one,” said Parshley. “Even if there is no vocal dialogue, the photos speak volumes these days as they have taken on the iconic meaning of support for equal rights for all.”

The open photo shoot in Burbank will take place at the Courtyard by Marriott hotel located at 2100 Empire Ave, and no advanced tickets are required. Single person photos are $40 and groups or couples photos are $25 per person. Funds raised by the photo shoots goes toward social media awareness campaigns for marriage and human equality, anti-discrimination and anti-bullying. A plain white shirt is required for the photos but the duct tape and “NOH8” temporary tattoo will be supplied on site.

Photo by Adam Bouska

The NOH8 headquarters was located in Burbank for the beginning years of the project so Parshley and Bouska are excited to be back where it all started. During the pandemic, all photo shoots were cancelled, and Friday’s event in Burbank will be their first mainstream shoot since the beginning of COVID.

Bouska will taking about ten frames per person and one image will be chosen and edited by their team, which will be available within eight weeks. Bouska’s photography studio is currently located in Studio City and has shot magazine and book covers with Jane Lynch, Barry Manilow, Meghan McCain, Deepak Chopra, and more.

They have hosted over 350 official NOH8 photoshoots processing up to 800 groups in one day. They have learned to get through the photos quickly and efficiently and don’t anticipate a wait at Friday’s shoot.  Photos are on a first come basis and they will be taking people up until their cut off time of 9:00 pm.

Photo by Adam Bouska

“As the founders of the campaign, and for something that started in our living room, the NOH8 campaign has come to mean more than we could have ever imagined,” added Parshley. “We started the campaign because our right to marry was taken away but over the years, the supporters have shown us that the meaning of NOH8 is so much more than that. They tell us why it relates to them and how they interpret the message and that’s taught us that we all relate to hate differently. It keeps reminding us that this campaign is needed. Especially these days.”

For more information on the #NOH8Worldwide movement coming to Burbank this Friday, visit here!