Police Issue Back To School Safety Tips

(Photo By Lisa Paredes)

As school has already begun for other districts and starts on Monday, August 18, for the Burbank Unified School District, the Burbank Police Department has tweeted and posted a safety reminder for parents and people driving in the area.

“Traffic safety at our schools is a priority for the Burbank Police Department,” said Officer Joshua Kendrick of the Burbank Police Department. “Traffic officers are assigned to patrol schools as a visible deterrent to prevent incidents from occurring and to enforce traffic laws.”

“By following a few simple rules, parents can assist us in creating a safe environment around our schools for students, faculty and parents.”

(Photo by Ross A.Benson)
John Burroughs High School students head to school in August 2013. (Photo by Ross A.Benson)

Back to school safety tips include some Do’s:

1. Slow down around the schools; plan ahead and arrive early

2. Use the safe delivery/valet drop – off area

3. Position your children on the right side of the vehicle, so they exit onto the sidewalk, away from any moving vehicles

4. Stay alert; do not operate cell phones or allow other things to distract you

5. Park your car in the appropriate areas; obey posted parking restrictions

6. Obey all traffic laws

And some Don’ts:

1. Stop and park your vehicle in the delivery/valet drop – off area

2. Park and exit your vehicle in the passenger loading/unloading areas

3. Stop your vehicle in the middle of the street to let your child in or out of the vehicle

4. Walk between vehicles in the drop – off and pick – up area

5. Park across the street and direct your child to cross the street outside of the designated crossing area

6. Pass vehicles on the wrong side of the street

7. Leave your vehicle unattended

BPD recommends parents park their vehicles away from the school and walk their children to the school gates and cross at corners and use the crossing guards to assist. Officers encourage parents to plan ahead and arrive early.

Students and families begin their first day at Roosevelt Elementary (Photo by Lisa Paredes)
Students and families begin their first day at Roosevelt Elementary in August 2013. (Photo by Lisa Paredes)
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