San Fernando Blvd. Will Not be Closed for Dining, Restaurants May Utilize ‘Parklets’

Outside dining is now allowed in Burbank again (Photo By: Edward Tovmassian)

Outdoor dining is now reopened in the City of Burbank. The City is working with the Downtown Burbank Business Improvement District (PBID) to implement expanded outdoor dining areas in Downtown Burbank.  Various parking stalls on San Fernando Boulevard and Palm Avenue will be bound with cement k-rail barricades to create nine in-street dining parklets. The in-street dining parklets will open on Tuesday, February 2, 2021. Until then restaurants in Downtown may utilize outdoor dining in private parking lots and patios and on sidewalks with a permit.

Two of the nine in-street dining parklets will be communal dining areas that are open to the public for pickup orders or coffee to-go. There will also be a communal dining area on the AMC Walkway. The designated communal dining areas will be managed and maintained by the PBID.

Outside dining is now allowed in Burbank again like here at Wokano (Photo By: Edward Tovmassian)

The parklets are intended to serve as a hybrid solution to the previous complete closure of San Fernando Boulevard back in July 2020. Adding in-street dining parklets will allow for expanded outdoor dining while maintaining parking and curb-side pickup spaces. San Fernando Boulevard will remain open to traffic and dedicated 15-minute parking will also be available, for curb-side and take-out orders.

The in-street dining parklets will also serve as a pilot program for several elements of the approved Citywide Complete streets Program adopted by City Council on June 16, 2020. The Complete Streets Program creates wider sidewalks and more pedestrian friendly amenities in Downtown Burbank.

 “Creating safe outdoor dining opportunities in Downtown Burbank is a welcome opportunity for both our businesses and the community. It is the hope of the City that this pilot program can be a trial for the recommendations of the Citywide Complete Streets Program.” Says Bob Frutos, Mayor of Burbank “In the future, with the support of the PBID, the City hopes to create more permanent improvements to the Downtown.”

The new Los Angeles County Health Order allows outdoor dining to resume at 50% maximum capacity in addition to other requirements. On Friday, January 29 all Burbank restaurants were allowed to resume outdoor dining in private parking lots and patios and on City sidewalks with a permit.