Tequilas Burbank Hosts 12th Annual Holiday Toy Drive to Support Home Again Los Angeles

Santa is joined by Tequilas owners Patricia & Carlos Rivera. (Photo by Ross A Benson)

On Sunday, December 10th, 2023, lots of holiday spirit was had at Tequila’s Burbank. Santa Claus dashed in from the North Pole with lots of cheer as the community waited patiently for his arrival. 

The event was Tequilas Burbank’s 12th Annual Holiday Toy-Drive, and this year they collected more toys than ever before. Over the last three years, the restaurant has partnered with the Burbank Chamber of Commerce to collect toys to benefit Home Again Los Angeles (HALA).  Santa is also an integral part of this partnership and has graciously volunteered despite his busy schedule in December. After all, what would Christmas be without Santa?

“HALA is a local non-profit homeless service agency that relies heavily on partnerships to best serve our families who are experiencing or on the verge of homelessness. The annual event raises awareness about homelessness in our region while also securing plenty of toys that the children in our programs will benefit from this holiday season,” said HALA CEO, Albert Hernandez. “With the cost of living being so high these days, gifts like these will bring joy to many families facing financial hardship and housing insecurity.”

Every year it is inspirational to hear the parents explain to their children why they are donating toys and the importance of giving to others. This year, there was an additional speaker on the program who shared his impactful and powerful life journey about how the pandemic impacted him and his child, leaving them unhoused. 

HALA provided the resources and supportive services to ensure he and his child had the means to live a self-sufficient and independent life, and through their assistance, he overcame his unexpected life-challenging situation

Tequilas Burbank owner, Patricia Rivera, expressed how having a speaker connect with guests brought the reality of some of the challenges people experience in life today.  It also emphasized the importance of the need for organizations such as HALA.

If you were unable to attend the event, Tequilas Burbank is still accepting donations up until December 24th. You can deliver to any of the drop-off locations below:

1) Tequilas Burbank 
2) Morrison Burbank
3) Barragan’s Restaurants
4) Morrison Atwater Village