Totals Announced in Back To School Night Online Donation Challenge


Burbank Business Partners and Burbank community members donated a grand total of $5,807 to the four Burbank schools—Walt Disney Elementary, Providencia Elementary, John Muir Middle School, and David Starr Jordan Middle School—that participated in the Back to School Night Online Donation Challenge. Burbank Business Partners, who organized the Challenge as the kickoff to its Support Burbank Schools campaign, donated a total of $2,000 to the four participating schools as part of its pledge to match donations of up to $500 per school. The majority of the $3,807 in community member donations, raised primarily during the schools’ respective Back to School Night events, came through the schools’ online fundraising pages at the Support Burbank Schools website.

The Support Burbank Schools campaign is designed to raise awareness of school needs across the Burbank community, with the recognition that parents alone cannot be expected to provide the additional funds, goods and volunteer services Burbank schools need to ensure a dynamic learning environment for all students. The campaign is part of a community-wide effort by Burbank Business Partners, an organization dedicated to raising awareness of the need for everyone in the community, including parents, neighbors and local businesses, to support all Burbank schools, public and private.

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