Vic Georgino Honored With Plaque at Burbank AMC 25 Years After Bringing Theaters to Burbank



City officials from both past and present were on hand Wednesday morning at the Burbank AMC to honor longtime Burbank resident and developer Vic Georgino  (Photos By Ross A. Benson)

amcOn his 62nd Birthday, 25 years after developing and bring the first AMC Theatre to Downtown Burbank, several friends, local officials, along with past and current City Council members, honored Vic Georgino with a fitting birthday gift and thank you.  In what was a total surprise to Georgino was the unveiling of a plaque along the AMC Walkway thanking him for bringing the AMC Theaters to Burbank 25 years ago. It was Georgino who was the lone Developer who worked with several theater companies, and finally amcin 1986 broke ground on the first walk-in theater after many years. The AMC has now grown several times and is the top location in the AMC chain.  Keith Kramer, AMC Director of Operations, spoke at the event thanking Burbank for the past 25 great years. A picture by our own BurbankNBeyond Chief Photographer, Ross A. Benson, taken in December of 1986 just days before the original AMC opening was on display to refresh memories. Georgino, who was speechless, was really taken back by the event.

Current Burbank Mayor Jess Talamantes reminisces with Vic Georgino of a picture taken by BurbankNBeyond Photographer Ross A. Benson back in 1986 just before the opening of the original Burbank AMC Theater.  Go to Ross’ Retro to see that same photograph (Photo By Ross A. Benson)