The construction activities and closures listed below will occur during the week of December 8-12, 2014, as part of the I-5 Empire Project in Burbank, a series of freeway improvements between Magnolia Boulevard and Buena Vista Street. More information about the project is here. Construction activities and closures are subject to change.
Major Construction Activities for the week of Dec. 8-12, 2014 All day work, unless otherwise specified.
- Leland Way Channel Cap: Excavation for piles. Equipment delivery for drilling operation. Operation will begin the week of Dec. 15.
NOTE: Leland Way is now a ONE-WAY STREET (temporarily). Motorists may travel in a northerly direction only, as directed by signage. Also, parking restrictions are now in effect. More info is here.
- Retaining wall work near the southbound I-5 Buena Vista Street off-ramp (night work), the southbound I-5 Burbank Boulevard off-ramp, and south of Hollywood Way.
- Excavation for the MSE (mechanically stabilized earth) wall east of the railroad tracks between Hollywood Way and Buena Vista Street.
- Utility removal/relocation on San Fernando Boulevard near the Grismer Avenue intersection and on the closed Scott Road off-ramp.
Please be attentive to closures, slow down, and watch for workers in construction zones.
What to Expect: Residents and businesses close to the freeway may notice vibration and construction noise, but it will not exceed levels permitted by state, federal and local regulations. Also, the contractor is using approved dust-control measures to minimize airborne particles, but some dust is expected.
Additionally, motorists should be attentive to new traffic patterns created by restriping of travel lanes and concrete barriers. Please proceed cautiously and watch for workers.
Closures for the Week of Dec. 8-12, 2014
- Up to two lanes of southbound I-5 between Hollywood Way and Buena Vista Street will be closed between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.
- A short stretch of San Fernando Boulevard near Grismer Avenue will be reduced to one lane during the day.
Resources for Motorists
- Project Information: Information about the project is here.