By Stan Lynch
Christmas is always a joyous time, and especially so this year. There has been an abundance of the “Christmas Spirit” going around.
Maybe you’ve noticed it, too, folks being a little nicer this time of year. I had one item, a bag a marshmallows that I forgotten when I came back to the store to get the laundry detergent I forgot when I originally went to Ralphs on Saturday. The lady with the big order let me go in front of her. I tried to pay it back in a small way later, when a homeless-looking guy asked to cut in front of me in the checkout line at the 99 Cent store. His order was $5.17, and he had a five and a ten dollar bill. I quickly reached in my pocket and offered the change along with a “Merry Christmas.” Although he thanked me, I was the one who was thankful for the chance to help someone, even if it was in such a small way.
Others have done so much more this year. My friend Janet Diel was co-chairman of the Burbank Coordinating Council’s “Holiday Basket” project, along with Barbara Sykes. The project helped bring food, presents, and a little Christmas cheer to over 500 families. Despite her own physical limitations, Janet is tireless in her community volunteering efforts all year round, whether she is in a wheelchair, or using a cane. Now that she’s done with the baskets, she concentrating on Burbank’s Rose Parade float.
Thanks to the numerous Christmas and holiday related activities the last couple of months in our city, there have been numerous ways to celebrate and spread a little joy. Movies at the library, ballets, plays, Christmas caroling, photo ops with Santa Claus, and of course the sales. One event in particular was really special.
“Journey to Bethlehem” at Village Church was a great reminder of what it is all about. Turning the church courtyard into Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago was no easy task, but the church members pulled it off perfectly. From the live animals to the Roman soldiers chasing thieves, it was quite an experience. I took my little granddaughter to it last Sunday, and she is still talking about it. The only downside is that the church only puts on the show every two years. Don’t miss it in 2013. She and I are already talking about going then, and taking her sister, my newest granddaughter who was born just five days ago.
Merry Christmas everyone, and a Happy New Year!