Burbank Firefighter Brandon Vaughan checks the interior for any additional patients or passengers following this accident that occurred at Buena Vista & Verdugo. (Photo by Ross A. Benson)
Burbank Police Officers gather information awaiting the arrival of Burbank Fire Dept. at this overturned accident that occurred during rush hour traffic at Buena Vista & Verdugo. (Photo by Ross A. Benson)
Burbank Police responded several units Code 3 (lights & siren) for a traffic accident that included an overturned van at Buena Vista and Verdugo during rush hour traffic on Monday afternoon. When they arrived on the scene they found everyone out and without serious injuries..
Burbank’s Fire Department and Paramedics continued to respond to check out the occupants and treated one driver for a minor arm injury.
Traffic was diverted in all directions at one of the busiest intersections along Buena Vista.Burbank Firefighters treat the driver of a overturned van for a minor injury following this accident. (Photo by Ross A. Benson)Burbank Firefighter John Freeborn checks out one of the passengers that was involved in this accident and making sure he’s OK, while a Burbank Police officer gathers information(Photo by Ross A. Benson)
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