Another Burbank Pet Store Closes its Doors


Editors Note: The owners of Pet Mania state that they are not going out of business, but are in the process of moving to a new location that they have not secured as of this point. We will let you know when they return to Burbank and where they will be as soon as they notify us.

Pet Mania has announced that they are closing their location at Pass and Oak in the Lakeside Shopping Center.

20150925_151656A sign on their door at 353 N. Pass reads that they will be moving to a ‘bigger location’ although a decision on where that location will be has not been disclosed.

According to their Facebook Page they state, “Our lease is up, rent going sky high! We want to include dog wash, etc and City of Burbank will not allow.. So we are moving! Location to be determined!

According to the page, “Products will be on SALE! Up to 50%! Fixtures will also be for sale! Used crates, carriers and more are available! Come and get a deal today!
We will keep you posted with updates of our status!”

Pet Mania is the second pet store in the area to shut down, although they are not closing permanently according to the owners. The iconic Peggy Wood closed their doors a couple of months ago. Pet Mania bought many of the supplies that were left over from the Peggy Woods closure.

When the owners of Pet Mania decide on their new location in Burbank – we will let you know.



    1. I am very upset about you writing about my store with false information. I am the owner of Pet Mania. We are not closing!!! We are moving. In this fast paced world we have just not secured a location as of yet.
      You have given the residents false information. How can you write an article without my permission!
      I will be in touch.

      • We just read your comment and I am a little confused – you are NOT closing your store on Pass and Oak? We said in our story that you were closing there and that you were looking for another location – we even posted your flyer in the story explaining that in your own words. If you are not leaving your location at Pass and Oak please let us know and we will absolutely write that you are not closing there. When a business like Osh or others have closed in Burbank, we have reported that they have closed – not gone out of business, but have closed their Burbank location. Please let us know if you plan to reopen in Burbank and we will be more then happy to come out and do a story on your new location.

    2. By saying that “Another Burbank Pet Store Closes its Doors”, it implies that they are going out of business. I agree with the owner, bad wording. How about “Pet Mania, Moving To A New Location – More To Come”? A lot of people rely on Pet Mania not only for food but for the wonderful rescue work they do. Looking forward to seeing where they reopen!

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