Applications for Schools Districts Surplus Property (7/11) Committee Needed This Week

(Photo By Ross Benson)

Last spring, the Burbank Unified School District made the very difficult decision to close the Community Day School campus at 223 East Santa Anita Avenue in Burbank. At the November 7, 2024 Board meeting, the Board officially called for the convening of a citizen committee to analyze the property and provide recommendations for the future use of the campus. The District is currently accepting applications for anyone who may be interested in serving on the Surplus Property (7/11) Committee. 

The Advisory Committee must consist of not less than seven (7) and not more than eleven (11) members, and must be represented by each of the following:

  • The ethnic, age group, and socioeconomic composition of the District.
  • The business community, such as store owners, managers, or supervisors.
  • Landowners or renters, with preference to be given to representatives of neighborhood associations.
  • Teachers
  • Administrators
  • Parents of students
  • Persons with expertise in environmental impact, legal contracts, building codes, and land use planning, including, but not limited to knowledge of the zoning and other land use restriction of the cities or cities and counties in which surplus space and real property is located.

 The Advisory Committee must perform the following duties:

  • Review the projected school enrollment and other data as provided by the District to determine the amount of surplus space and real property.
  • Establish a priority list of use of surplus space and real property that will be acceptable to the community.
  • Cause to have circulated throughout the attendance area a priority list of surplus space and real property and provide for hearings for community input to the committee on acceptable uses of space and real property, including the sale or lease of surplus real property for child care development purposes pursuant to Education Code § 17458.
  • Make a final determination of limits of tolerance of use of space and real property.
  • Forward to the District’s Governing Board a report recommending uses of surplus space and real property.

How to Submit Application:To be considered, applications must be received and timestamped by 12:00 pm on Tuesday, December 10, 2024.

  • An online application can be submitted by following this link –
  • A hard copy of the application can be submitted by mail, drop off or emailing your application to the District Office – the application form is attached.

Burbank Unified School District
Attn:  Terri Ramirez-Adams
1900 W Olive Ave 
Burbank, CA 91506


The Board Report outlining the process is attached. This information has also been posted to our website home page and the District’s Facebook page.

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