Barlow Makes It Official – Will Step Down As Burbank City Attorney In September


What was first reported here yesterday became official today as Burbank City Attorney Dennis Barlow has announced that he is stepping down from his post.  Official press release from the City of Burbank follows:

After 14 years with the City of Burbank, City Attorney Dennis Barlow will retire later this year.

“It has been the professional honor of my life to work for the City of Burbank,” says Barlow.  “I have come to the conclusion that it is time to pay more attention to my health, and to spend more time with my grandchildren.  I very much appreciate the opportunity I’ve had to serve the people of Burbank.  This community has become my home and I have many fond memories of my tenure here.”

Prior to his arrival in the San Fernando Valley in 1997, he worked in the City Attorney’s office in San Bernardino and the County Counsel’s office in Yuba and Kern counties.  Barlow has a B.A. in History from Brigham Young University and a J.D. from the University of San Diego.

Burbank Mayor Anja Reinke says a national search will begin in the coming weeks, allowing time for a thorough recruitment.  “Dennis is our most tenured executive and his legal expertise and deep understanding of our City will be difficult to replace,” says Reinke.  “The City Council wishes him a happy and healthy retirement.”

The City Attorney and City Manager are appointed positions, reporting directly to the City Council.