Berman Wins Majority of California Democratic Party Delegates


An overwhelming majority of delegates to the California Democratic Party voted Sunday to endorse Howard Berman in his campaign against Rep. Brad Sherman. Today’s result of Berman’s 58.51 percent to Sherman’s 23.40 percent is a complete reversal from a similar vote held in February where Sherman stood at 53 percent.

“I’m honored to receive a majority of delegate support within the California Democratic Party,” Congressman Berman said. “It’s a clear sign of our campaign’s momentum as we continue to go after every vote in the Valley.”

In a stunning turnaround for Sherman, the California Democratic Party reversed its support for his campaign last February. Unlike his opponent, Berman now has the support of the majority of their Party’s delegates as well as every major Democratic leader in California.

“Today’s result demonstrates that when Valley residents compare the records of both candidates they overwhelming support Howard,” said Brandon Hall, a senior advisor to the Berman campaign, “Brad Sherman has continued to mislead the public by attempting to paper over his dismal record of accomplishments with exaggerations and half-truths.”

Howard Berman has already been endorsed by a growing list of thousands of Valley residents as well as organizations such as SEIU, AFSCME, IATSE and the California Federation of Teachers. Leaders including Senators Feinstein and Boxer, Governor Jerry Brown, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and 24 of the 26 members of California’s Democratic delegation.

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